論文刊行:浅田静香 (2018) ウガンダにおける有機ごみのエネルギー源への活用:カンパラ首都圏におけるバイオマス・ブリケットの生産を事例に.アジア・アフリカ研究 18: 41-60(2018年9月30日)
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論文刊行:Razafindratsima O, Sato H, Tsuji Y, Culot L (2018) Advances and frontiers in primate seed dispersal. International Journal of Primatology 39: 315-320
論文刊行:Razafindratsima O, Sato H, Tsuji Y, Culot L (eds.) (2018) International Journal of Primatology 39 (3) Spacial Issue “Advances and Frontiers in Primate Seed Dispersal”
論文刊行:Oyama S (2018) Reverse Thinking and “African Potentials” to Combat Desertification in the West African Sahel: Applying Local Greening Techniques Born from Drought and Famine in the 1970s. African Study Monographs Suppl 57 “Land, Agriculture and Unfinished Decolonization in Africa: Essays in Honour of Sam Moyo”: 95-120