Award: Eunji CHOI received the Best Presentation Award in the 29th Annual Congress of Japanese Association of Nilo-Ethiopian Studies
Award: Ryoma Otsuka received the first prize of poster presentation in the 11th International Symposium on Primatology and Wildlife Science.
Event: Division of African Area Studies joined the workshop on “Study in Japan” in Uganda on 6th and 7th February 2019.
Award: Muratsu, R. (graduate student) received Encouraging Award of Tokyo Documentary Film Festival 2018 (Dec 14, 2018)
The research project of Associate Prof. Oyama, S was updated for unique challenge to combat desertification at the website of AI-CD (Part1 and Part2)
Award: Asada S received Best Research Paper Award of AY 2017 from the Japan Society of Lifology (May 26th, 2018)
Article: Sato H (2018) Predictions of seed shadows generated by common brown lemurs (Eulemur fulvus) and their relationship to seasonal behavioral strategies. International Journal of Primatology 39: 377-396
Article: Razafindratsima O, Sato H, Tsuji Y, Culot L (2018) Advances and frontiers in primate seed dispersal. International Journal of Primatology 39: 315-320
Article: Razafindratsima O, Sato H, Tsuji Y, Culot L (eds.) (2018) International Journal of Primatology 39 (3) Spacial Issue “Advances and Frontiers in Primate Seed Dispersal”