論文刊行: 村橋勲(2018)難民の市民社会組織にみるローカルな生存戦略:ウガンダの南スーダン難民の事例.宮脇幸生(編)国家支配と民衆の力-エチオピアにおける国家・NGO・草の根社会.大阪公立大学共同出版会.P240-272
論文刊行: Rosabal-Coto M, Quinn N, Keller H, Vicedo M, Chaudhary N, Gottlieb A, Scheidecker G, Murray M, Takada A, Morelli GA (2017) Real-world applications of attachment theory. In: Keller H, Bard KA (eds.) The cultural nature of attachment: Contextualizing relationships and development. Struengmann Forum Reports, vol 22, Lupp JR, series editor. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. P335-354
論文刊行: Morelli GA, Chaudhary N, Gottlieb A, Keller H, Murray M, Quinn N, Rosabal-Coto M, Scheidecker G, Takada A, Vicedo M (2017) Taking culture seriously: A pluralistic approach to attachment. In: Keller H, Bard KA (eds.) The cultural nature of attachment: Contextualizing relationships and development. Struengmann Forum Reports, vol 22, Lupp JR, series editor. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. P139-169