DAAS (Division of African Area Studies) is comprised of three departments: Livelihoods & Ecology, Culture & Society, and Development & Sustainability(These names of three departments will be officially amended from AY2018). While faculty members belong to one of these three departments, they are not limited to one domain. Ample mutual collaboration is utilized to both promote a large number of research projects as well as advance educational activities at the graduate school. Our graduate students are enrolled in the departments to which their respective main supervisors belong, but they are not limited to their own departments. They are able to receive guidance from multiple faculty members and interact with numerous other graduate students.
Livelihoods & Ecology

Shuichi Oyama
Fields of study : Area Studies, Ecological Anthropology, Environmental Geography
Culture & Society

Amo Kae
Assistant professor
Fields of study : Cultural Anthropology, Political Anthropology, African Area Studies