Award: Yokotsuka A received an Encouragement Prize of Sasakawa Scientific Research Grant for outstanding research activities from the Japan Science Society (April 27th, 2018)
Essay: Ebata M (2018) Mpiandry in Madagascar, Reminiscent of Shinto Shrine Priests in Japan. Asian and African Area Studies 17: 307-311
Essay: Girmai A (2018) In Pursuit of Livelihood: Significance of Cash from Tourists to Local People’s Livelihood in Ethiopia. Asian and African Area Studies 17: 311-315
Award: Kamimura C (a graduate student) received an award for outstanding presentation (poster) at 27th Congress of Japan Association for Nilo-Ethiopian Studies
Award: Bekele H (a graduate student) received an award for outstanding presentation (oral) at 27th Congress of Japan Association for Nilo-Ethiopian Studies
Award: Tanaka T (a graduate) received Takashima Prize at 27th Congress of Japan Association for Nilo-Ethiopian Studies
Award: Inoue M received an award for outstanding presentation at 21st Africa Educational Research Forum
Ryoma Otsuka and Tojotanjona Patrick Razanaparany achieved high rankings in the 9th International Symposium on Primatology and Wildlife Science.