The research project of Associate Prof. Oyama, S was updated for unique challenge to combat desertification at the website of AI-CD (Part1 and Part2)

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The research project of Associate Prof. Oyama, S was updated for unique challenge to combat desertification at the website of AI-CD project (Part1 and Part2)

YouTube Video (English)

Can urban wastes reduce land degradation in Niger? Unique challenge by a Japanese researcher
Part I (English)

[NIGER-JICA] Can urban wastes reduce land degradation in Niger? Unique challenge by a Japanese researcher [Part 1]

Part II (English)

[NIGER] Can urban wastes reduce land degradation in Niger? Unique challenge by a Japanese researcher [Part 2]

Les déchets urbains peuvent-ils limiter la dégradation des terres au Niger ? Un défi, unique en son genre, pensé par un chercheur japonais
Part I (French)

[NIGER-JICA] Can urban wastes reduce land degradation in Niger? Unique challenge by a Japanese researcher [Part 1]

Part II (French)

[NIGER] Can urban wastes reduce land degradation in Niger? Unique challenge by a Japanese researcher [Part 2]

AI-CD stands for “African Initiative for Combating Desertification to Strengthen Resilience to Climate Change in the Sahel and the Horn of Africa.”